National Indigenous Network Initiative

Everyone has a right to feel safe.

NINI’s CEO, board and members are committed to safe families and communities, free from violence, abuse and coercive control. Understanding the social determinants of health support our focus to Close the Gap.



NINIs aims and objectives is to work with Indigenous communities and organisations to Close the Gap in target areas 10, 11, 13, 14 & 17.

10 Adults are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system

11 Young people are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system

13 Families and households are safe

14 People enjoy high levels of social and emotional wellbeing

17 People have access to information and services enabling participation in informed decision-making regarding their own lives

National Indigenous Network Initiative

“Our logo design represents the Ramindjeri spirit dreaming story of Kondoli. The creator of fire, who would dance for his people and ignite flames from his feet for all who sought the warmth of it, to cook a feed, stay warm when cold and enjoy the safety of its light when in dark places.

Kondoli changed when he was speared and nearly killed by some wrong and hurtful people. To put the flames out, he ran into the ocean diving deep, when he appeared from the water, he had transformed into a Whale!

It’s never too late to transform, no matter how bad you think your situation may be, it can get better.”

Robert Leidig

NINI values anonymity, privacy & confidentiality

We help people see and achieve an improvment in their life by providing culturally appropriate support, giving them the understanding and the skills to see and realise short-term and longer-term goals. The client’s idea of the life they want becomes a shared aspiration that we help them achieve.

NINI promotes safety for all Indigenous people – we make safety and wellbeing the highest priorities for Indigenous people.