National Indigenous Network Initiative

NINI Services:

Culturally safe services are specifically aimed at Indigenous people.

We focus on culture, education, prevention, early intervention and healing through guided therapeutic yarns to minimise contact within the criminal justice system and create safe individuals, families and communities. 

Therapeutic Approaches aimed at Preventing:
  • Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence
  • Alcohol and Other Drug abuse
  • Criminogenic and recidivist behaviours
  • Contact with the criminal justice system
We know and understand Trauma:
  • Safely working with our mob through the impacts of grief, loss and trauma
  • Social and Emotional Wellbeing
Narrative Therapy
  • Yarning truthfully begins the healing journey
  • Cultural safety supports change
  • Narrative Approaches enhance transformation and identity
  • Trauma Informed Care
  • Addressing Injustices
  • Re-Authoring the story
  • Connecting to Culture
Behaviour Change Programs
  • Narrative Therapy
  • Duluth Model resources
  • Stages of Change support
  • Healing workshops using Aboriginal concepts and culture
  • Peer support
  • Safe and healthy alternatives
  • Meditation and Mindfulness techniques
  • Structured, consistent support is our approach
Yarn Smart
  • Resources from the SMART Recovery team through Yarn Smart assist our cultural approaches to healing
Visualizing Hopes and Dreams
  • Living the “Preferred Life”
  • Building on strengths of Aboriginal Culture
  • Safe Approaches to living with Trauma
  • Setting goals and achieving them, both individually and collectively
Investing in our People

Complementing our therapeutic services:

Supporting young people and families

Crime Prevention

Justice Diversion

Justice Reinvestment

Life skills development

Employment, Education & Training pathways support

Mentoring support

Housing advocacy, referrals and support

Home Living Skills Support

Referring to other providers to support holistic care e.g. Mental Health Care Plans

“Transforming systems and lives through yarning with purpose & connecting to meaning through Culture”


NINIs aims and objectives is to work with Indigenous communities and organisations to Close the Gap in target areas 10, 11, 13, 14 & 17.

10 Adults are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system

11 Young people are not overrepresented in the criminal justice system

13 Families and households are safe

14 People enjoy high levels of social and emotional wellbeing

17 People have access to information and services enabling participation in informed decision-making regarding their own lives

Download NINI Services Flyer Here

“A well facilitated session I can’t fault it….. safe for us to explore our own assumptions and prejudices and increase our learning of Aboriginal culture, rituals and practices to better connect as a community”.

“Rob was informative, created great discussion that was safe for open questions and learning opportunities”.

“Excellent training. Rob is very passionate and understanding”.

“Really enjoyed the training… it opened my eyes and I will be taking it all on board when working with Aboriginal people”.

“Rob is a great presenter, engaging and I found hearing his perspective extremely valuable”.